Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On The Waterfront

Now I'm not a huge fan of Marlon Brando. I generally enjoy his work, but out of a long list of actors he doesn't make the top 10. However On The Waterfront is excellent and Brando's performance is very, very good.

Anyone who hasn't seen this classis is really missing out. Of course it is black and white, but I hardly hold that against a good film. On the surface the film seems wholey predicatable. Terry is going to squeal sooner or later. That much is a given. But the drama that builds is handled quite well so that the surprise is not so much in what he does or how he does it but rather in the more complete change that comes over him in the end.

Terry doesn't suddenly live a charmed life. His friends are no longer his friends and his enemies are still his enemies. His life diminishes but he also sees that the qualities that the longshoremen have valued - hardwork, perserverence, honesty - are all worthwhile. When he walks to work those final yards he puts the final cap on his decision to start to become a better man.

En fin - a movie worth watching.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ocean's Eleven (The New One)

So I decided to sit down and watch this one again the other night. Turns out that I am still pretty happy with it.

As with any movie where there are a lot of good actors some of them get overlooked a bit more than others. Personally I think that Matt Damon's role was forcedly diminuitive but that didn't distract much from the overall success of the film.

Those of you familiar with the original, as made by "The Rat Pack" may find some of the subtle changes in storyline a bit unfortunate, but I think that this film made greate homage to the original and is certainly worth the time invested to enjoy it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Scooby Doo And The Witch's Ghost

1999 Animated

Scooby Doo and gang find themselves up against a real witch with genuine magical powers. Like other Scooby Doo movies of recent years the switch has been made from bad guys in costumes and masks to bad guys with supernatural powers.

The plot is of course pretty basic. Ben Ravencroft a noted horror writer convinces the gang to help him uncover an ancient book. The book holds the spirit of his evil ancestor who he releases. All sorts of antics ensue. In the end of course Scooby Doo saves the day.

The biggest single element of the show which will either turn you on or off to it would be the music and the characters performing it. A group of teen age wiccan wannabees have formed a band, calling themselves eco-gods and singing about the earth. The tunes are kinda catchy but certainly sophmoric.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scooby Doo And the Goblin King

2008 Animated

This is a wonderful throw back to Scooby Doo but with some twists. Whereas in the old days those meddling kids would spend their time chasing around bad guys dressed up in costumes and masks, in this one the supernatural becomes real and they find themselves dueling a sorcerer with genuine powers.

Scooby and Shaggy are transported off to the world of Halloween spirits where they must attempt to track down the goblin King and his sceptre before it falls into the hands of a renegae magician out for world domination. The film features a series of interesting little songs and a cast of all-star voices.

If you are into Scooby Doo because you like the mysteries and the surprise endings then this movie is definitely not for you. The plot is as straight forward as they come but with plenty of bumps along the way.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Undefeated

Starring: John Wayne, Rock Hudson

Year 1969

Genre: Western - Action

So the movie opens with a rather brutal battle scene from the Civil War. John Wayne charges across the battle field in apparent victory. Shortly after the charge a corporal arrives informing him that the war has been over for three days. This sets the stage for the continued conflict in the post-war south and the lingering animosity between the main characters.

The 70's haircuts and sentimentality permeate everything, which makes for an intereting look into history. Rock Hudson's performance, though quite good, lacks the strength that John Wayne has developed in his acting by this point in his career.

The undefeated is a fun movie if not on "A" class. Definitely worth watching if you are a fan of John Wayne, Rock Hudson, or the Civil War.