Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Undefeated

Starring: John Wayne, Rock Hudson

Year 1969

Genre: Western - Action

So the movie opens with a rather brutal battle scene from the Civil War. John Wayne charges across the battle field in apparent victory. Shortly after the charge a corporal arrives informing him that the war has been over for three days. This sets the stage for the continued conflict in the post-war south and the lingering animosity between the main characters.

The 70's haircuts and sentimentality permeate everything, which makes for an intereting look into history. Rock Hudson's performance, though quite good, lacks the strength that John Wayne has developed in his acting by this point in his career.

The undefeated is a fun movie if not on "A" class. Definitely worth watching if you are a fan of John Wayne, Rock Hudson, or the Civil War.